Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Voice....

For my voice, I am passionate about learning, and the looking at options for the future. I have a passion about learning new things. I love working at the hospital and listening to patients. Each patients has a unique story of how they have come to that point. They also have interesting advice, but they are very willing to give it to help me in the long run. I also love to research, anything and everything. I always want to try to find answers. My family always mocks me, because I will always bring up random facts, but I will always say “Did you know…?” I also have a passion for running, I lost it for a while, but I am finally getting back into it, and I am feeling great.

As for talents, I am good at math, science, running, and dancing. I don’t think I am very good at dancing, but, people tell me I am. I have gotten to the point where I do not care what people think when I dance. But I am think that I am the biggest obstacle. I tend to be very self-conscious. I am my best when I am by myself or even when I am with some of my really close friends.

My values are my education and lifelong learning, my experience with McNair, my family, and my friends. I find it hard to say no, and it tends to be my down fall. I am a people pleaser and I hate when someone is upset, or hurt, and I especially hate confrontation, I will do whatever possible to avoid it. I am lucky to have such great friends and family and they understand, that my education is my top priority, and I am not willing to compromise it.

One thing that I think needs to be fixed the state that this country is in, when considering the healthcare system and the rate of obesity and cardiovascular disease. I am intrigued that the population that typically has the lowest level of education, also has highest rates of poverty and lower access to healthcare, which also correlate to the higher rates of obesity that translates to higher rates of cardiovascular disease. With the dramatic rates of increase in obesity, the rate for cardiovascular will significantly increase as well.

I will be doing cardiovascular epidemiology and studying how the disease will progress in populations. I want to see how this disease can be decreases. I want to study methods effective in decreasing the significance of CVD.

Unfortunately with the political and big business corporations targeting the desire of the people, obesity and CVD rates will significantly increase. That is why I am so interested in looking how it progressing in children. I want my voice to be heard, I want people to be healthy; body, mind, soul, and heart.

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