Sunday, June 23, 2013


I have contemplated what makes me happy a lot this week. But I find it difficult to interpret. I have things, I think that make me happy, but at the same time, have I ever really been happy? Happiness is very subjective and I find it hard to find a way to quantify that. The things I feel like I may happy with include:

- Friends

- Family

- Learning

- Traveling

- Baking/Grilling/Cooking

- Music (especially Bruno Mars, and Linkin Park)

- Practicing yoga

- Running

- Dancing

- Reading

Each of these things I feel are things that make me happy in moderation. But too much of something can be unpleasant as well. The bottom six are outlets for me to find my inner thoughts and ideas. There is not much that really makes me 100% happy, so it is hard to come up with really good things.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I was reading Gifted Hands by Ben Carson and he brings up this idea of THINK BIG. He actually goes more in depth with is in another book called Think Big: Unleashing your Potential for Excellence.


By: Ben Carson


Learn to recognize and accept your God-given talents (and we all have them). Develop those talents and use them in the career you choose. Remembering T for talent puts you far ahead of the game if you take advantage of what God gives you.

T also=Time

Learn the importance of time. When you are always on time, people can depend on you. You prove your trustworthiness. Learn not to waste time, because time is money and time is effort. Time usage is also a talent. God gives some people the ability to manage time. The rest of us have to learn how. And we can!


Don’t go around with a long face, expecting something bad to happen. Anticipate good things; watch for them.

H also=Honesty

When you do anything dishonest, you must do something else dishonest to cover it up, and your life becomes hopelessly complex. The same with telling lies. If you’re honest you don’t have to remember what you said the last time. Speaking the truth makes life amazingly simple.


Listen and learn from people who have already been where you want to go. Benefit from their mistakes instead of repeating them. Read good books like the Bible because they open up new worlds of understanding.


Be nice to people-all people. If you’re nice to people they’ll be nice to you. It takes much less energy to be nice than it does to be mean. Being kind, friendly, and helpful takes less energy and relieves much of the pressure.


Knowledge is the key to independent living, the key to all your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. If you are knowledgeable, particularly more knowledgeable than anybody else in the field, you become invaluable and write your own ticket.


I emphasize that active learning from reading is better than passive learning such as listening to lectures or watching television. When you read, your mind must work by taking in letters and connecting them to form words. Words make themselves into thoughts and concepts. Developing good reading habits is something like being a champion weightlifter. The champion didn’t go into the gym one day and start lifting 50o pounds. He toned his muscles, beginning with lighter weights always building up, preparing for more. It’s the same thing with intellectual feats. We develop our minds by reading, by thinking, by figuring out things for ourselves.

 I=In-Depth Learning

Superficial learners cram for exams but know nothing two weeks later. In-depth learners find that the acquired knowledge becomes a part of them. They understand more about themselves and their world. They keep building on prior understanding by piling on new information.


Never get too big for God. Never drop God out of your life.

I feel that this way of thought is a good thing to live by, something to aspire to to be successful. I feel that success cannot be measured by money, material things, and awards. Success is the ability to adapt and be flexible for whatever life throws at you. Success is a feeling and it varies from person to person. Success is overcoming obstacles, doubts, and your own fear. To be successful, one must consider the aspects of THINK BIG and live by them (or at least most of them). Be open to change and greet it with enthusiasm.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My aha moment...

While in the deep woods of western Kentucky….surrounded by nature, water, and bugs, and lack of technology I had lots of time to reflect on my past, present, and future. IT was kind of nice to escape from the world of modern technology, but after a few days, I couldn’t handle it any more.

Camp had its ups and downs. I had some moments when I thought, “Why am I going to put myself through this?” “How am I going to afford this?” “Am I good enough?” But with some of the sessions, I realized that I am not alone in my thoughts. McNair has given me a sense of security and comfort. I have a support system and each person is going through similar things, and it helps put me at ease to know that people will be there when I need them, as I will be there for them.

I have decent grades. They are not great, but they are not terrible by any means. One of my biggest worries is that. But in Maureen’s session she showed many scholars who had less than stellar gpas that still made it into grad school and even got fully funded. It helped me be a little more comfortable with the facts. I am still going to be trying my best to finish off strong.

Another thing I learned was that a test, such as the GRE, does not define you and cannot clearly measure you ability to succeed in grad school and in your future. I have never been good at standardized tests, and that is one of my biggest fears, because for medical school I need the MCAT, and I need to get decent scores. But at the same time, I know that I cannot let this test define me and take over.

Have some time to think about my future, I realized that this is what I want to do. I will get my MD, but whether I get my PhD, I have not figured that out. There are just so many options I can pursue. I do however know I will continue my education and I will do whatever fascinates me.

For my aha moment, I came to the realization that I am special, I am me. I have come farther in my short time on earth, and anyone in my family, and I will continue to path the way into the unknown. My family may never understand completely what I am doing and why, but I know that they will support me regardless. I am, but then I am not alone in this journey.