Sunday, November 10, 2013

20 Things you don't know about me...

Below is a list of 20 things you would know about me if you looked at me.

1.      I am very competitive

2.      I love sports ( I will watch just about any kind)

3.      I love to dance, although I made not be the greatest at it
      4.      I am very sarcastic

5.      I am fascinated with serial killers

6.      I love chocolate milk!

7.      I tend to overthink and overanalyze everything

8.      I dislike it very much when people are racist

9.      I am a huge Doctor Who fan

10.  I absolutely despise the winter

11.  I own a car that is a manual transmission and I love it

12.  I love gory movies/tv shows (i.e. Game of Thrones, The Alamo, etc.)

13.  I have had the hiccups everyday for the last 4 years (most of the time they come in threes)

14.  I have a lot of useless information

15.  I am a diehard University of Michigan fan

16.  I can out belch any man (this is not usually on purpose)

17.  I know a lot of movie quotes

18.  I really like coats (I have several)

19.  I own tools and I know how to use them (My parents made a point to teach my sisters and I how to use them )

20.  I will be a doctor (either MD, DO, or PhD I have yet to figure that out)


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