Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Pursuit of Education

I am in the process of applying to various masters programs. There are so many things I am considering in this future endeavor. Part of me wants to just pick up and move and start my life in a new city away from the home and the life I have grown to know. Another part of me wants to stay closer to home and my family, but I feel I would be cheating and cutting myself short on my potential. I am beginning to realize the important decisions I need to make and the things I will need to give up in this pursuit.

Already, my pursuing education has ruined a few relationships, and I don’t doubt that it’ll ruin more. I know, that is kind of negative thinking, but, who am I kidding, it is the truth. There will be many people that come into my life that will not understand the sacrifices I am making why they are important to me. As of now I have no idea where I will be one year from now, at least geographically, and it has scared people off.

Anyways back to education. I have always made my education my top priority. And the thought of grad school scares the hell out of me. Moving on to bigger and better things sounds easy enough, but every step from here on out will affect my future in some way or another. Some may be side steps, steps backwards, but the majority will steps forward into an unknown oblivion.